Dice and Dreary

Dice and Cheery - The Midwinter Gift part 3

Episode Summary

When we last left the trio, they had just uncovered the truth of the Holiday Horror unfolding in Vallaki . After leaving town they were able to read a description of a False Hydra. Armed with this new discovery Danika, Blinsky and Davian decide what to do next.

Episode Notes

Danika Martikov - Jen is the co-host of the podcast Vanished, the Host of In Defense of Liberty  and an investigator on The Order of Podcasters

Blinsky - Jake goes by Thrashputin on the discords and the Instagrams for pictures of his videogames, cats and dogs

Davian Martikov - Jeff is the DM for Dice and Dreary

Dungeon Master - Paul is the GM for Order of Podcasters and is the host of the Retro Station podcast.